Adobe Connect Breakout Rooms

Breakout rooms are sub-rooms that can be created within a meeting or training session. They are useful for splitting a large group into smaller groups that can talk or collaborate.
Breakout rooms can be used in meetings and training sessions that have 200 or fewer people. Hosts can create up to 20 breakout rooms for a single meeting or training session.

Adobe Connect 11 brings you improved and enhanced features for Breakout rooms where you can work with a large group of people at the same time.
You can chat with each group separately, you can engage them, create pools, share documents and videos, and much more.

Watch the video below and see how breakout rooms can help you to have your best meeting or training session using Adobe Connect 11


Learn some handy tips on how you can bring your teams back together after breakouts and review the content they worked on during your session

You can prepare your layout for all the breakout rooms, with each breakout room having different activities, you can provide your participants to have different chats or exercises or tasks and notes in each room without affecting the others and to review each content and the end of the session.

Watch the video below and discover all the possibilities that Adobe Connect Breakout rooms are bringing to you.


Connect Innovation

Connect Innovation, from the other side, provides an online course for each and any kind of user of Adobe Connect, no matter if you are an experienced one, or you just started to use Adobe Connect, we are more than sure that our online courses could bring something good and improve your knowledge for the platform.

You can always contact our support team if you have any kind of additional questions or some other issues you want to discuss.


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