Adobe Connect for Business Continuity

In response to international public health advisories, enterprises are reorienting their business operations from conferences, collaboration to classrooms. Adobe Connect can meet these business needs with its interactive, scalable and secure virtual environments for businesses.

This means that our main purpose, regarding this, would be to enable virtual business environments for remote workforce.

Reorient the in-person events, impacted by travel restrictions and health advisories, to online events. Empower globally distributed customers, prospects, partners and worldwide industry leaders to participate and present from the safety of their preferred environment. Drive Promotions, registrations, reminders, delivery and analytics all from a single solution.

Let your team join use these persistent virtual environments for team meetings, war rooms, sales pitches and briefings making it easy to work remotely while still be as socially engaged and productive.

Instructors and enablement teams can create engaging custom learning environments using layouts, interactive pods and breakout rooms, regardless of where your learner’s join from.

Adobe Connect Announces FREE 90-day Access


Source: Adobe Connect

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