Adobe Connect for Education - how Adobe Connect is helping schools, colleges and universities

Adobe Connect Virtual Classrooms To Keep Your Curriculum On Track

As schools prepare for disruptions due to current public health emergencies, we aim to enable students and instructors to access their labs & classrooms from the safety of their environments, without compromising effective learning.

Connect Innovation, on the other side, provides online courses for each and any kind of user of Adobe Connect, no matter if you are an experienced one, or you just started to use Adobe Connect, we are more than sure that our online courses could bring something good and improve your knowledge for the platform.

Several schools and universities are using Adobe Connect to enable students to stay remote is larger than ever numbers and keep the curriculum on track by moving their instructor-led classes to Adobe Connect virtual classrooms for this semester.

You can easy

Take your curriculum and tests online instead of indefinite postponements or cancellations. Drive and measure student engagement through the virtual sessions. Integrate with your Learning Management System (LMS) for blended learning to engage students before, during and after the class.

Keep the students productive and socially engaged. Enable them to work with each other in small groups under instructors’ guidance.

Support accessibility needs of students with physical or developmental disabilities with a Section 508 complaint virtual classroom solution.

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