Adobe Connect for Learning

If you're looking for a virtual classroom that enables the true power of virtual learning and it's more than video-conferencing or physical classes - you've found it.

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Virtual classrooms for real engagement

Virtual classrooms don't need to be monologues with screen share and a webcam. Give them more energy with designed storyboards, mixed with interactivity to catch the learner's attention. Read their digital body language, just like in a physical class, and adapt it.

Meet modern learners' expectations of flexibility and ease of access.
Integrate with any LMS to drive on-demand learning before or after an immersive live virtual learning session. In the live sessions, learners don't just listen but they also engage in collaborative hands-on learning, in small groups. Get practical insights into your learners'  performance at your fingertips.

Adobe Connect is designed to lay power in the hands of the hosts, as a default. The host controls who enters the sessions and the extent of their participation through audio, video, chats, drawings & annotations.


The accessible design enables effective learning for learners with visual, auditory, or mobility impairments. We also make learning happen for students who cannot access the traditional modes of education. We enable uncompromized learning on their terms, and on their time.

Make best practices for organizing virtual teaching and experience design easy to compete.
With Adobe Connect, you invest in an engagement design once and use it forever, across the organization. Build, use, and re-use rooms without needing to start from scratch for every class.