Register for the free Zaqsolutions webinar

Hvorfor Adobe Connect?

→ When:

Torsdag den 19. september 2024, 14:00 - 14:30

Dette webinar er primært rettet mod dig som skal afholde online kurser eller webinarer og hvor de almindelige løsninger ikke er ”godt nok” – eller for dig som ikke vil gøre som alle de andre. Adobe Connect er den komplette løsning med mulighed for at give deltagerne en unik oplevelse samt størst mulig interaktion. Tilmeld dig og du vil få mulighed for selv at vurdere det. Webinaret afholdes på dansk.

→ Language: Danish

NOTE:  Connect Innovation is focused on supporting companies and organizations from various market segments and driving the most ideal outcomes by increasing the communication and collaboration with their employees and clients with Adobe Connect.

Connect Innovation is a leading provider of Adobe Connect for web meetings, webinars, and e-learning in the Nordic area and Eastern Europe. It provides online courses for each and any kind of user of Adobe Connect, no matter if you are experienced, or just started to use Adobe Connect. Our courses are available in all Nordic languages and English language as well.

Other than that, Connect Innovation organizes great webinars where you can get familiarized with the software, learn new skills or be up to date with the software updates.

You can check our courses here, and our webinars and blogs here.
You can contact us here.